Resources for People in Mixed-Orientation Marriages
Our Path—
Discovering your partner is LGBT+ can be a life-altering experience for Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People. Learn about OurPath’s support offerings, formerly Straight Spouse NetworkHusbands Out to Wives—
Discovering your partner is LGBT+ can be a life-altering experience for Straight Partners and Partners of Trans People. Learn about OurPath’s support offerings.
Mixed Orientation Marriage: Pathways to Success Readings for couples in mixed-orientation marriages; excellent resources.
GAMMA— A support group for gay, bisexual, or questioning who are or were married, or otherwise involved with a woman. This site has an extensive network of resources.
GAMMA suggested reading—
Links to organizations found at this site are provided solely as a service to our guests. These links do not constitute and endorsement of these organizations or their programs by CanyonWalker Connections, and none should be inferred. CWC is not responsible for the content of the individual organization web pages found at their links.