Welcoming Churches: An excellent resource to find open & affirming churches in your area and in most areas of the world.
Affirm United: United Church of Canada
Association Of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists: American Baptists, Alliance of Baptists
IntegrityUSA: Episcopal Church USA
More Light Presbyterians: Presbyterian Church (USA)
Dignity: Roman Catholic Church
Welcoming Ministries of the Gay, Lesbian & Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Council: Disciples of Christ
Affirming Disciples (GLAD) Council: Disciples of Christ
Open and Affirming Program of the United Church of Christ Coalition for LGBT Concerns: United Church of Christ
Reconciling in Christ Programs of Lutherans Concerned/North America: Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and Canada
Reconciling Ministries Network: United Methodist Church
Room for All: Reformed Church in America
Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trangender Interests: Brethren Mennonite USA and Canada
Welcoming Communities Network: Community of Christ
The Evangelical Network: Evangelical Churches and Ministries
Joshua Ministries: Pentecostal Churches
Reconciling Pentecostals: Pentecostal Churches
The Fellowship: Black Protestant and Pentecostal
If you are a leader of an Open & Affirming Organization, please send me the organization website and short details. If you are a welcoming church, contact the first listing and ensure that your faith community is listed in the directory.
Below is a listing of the denominationally-based or denominational style Open & Affirming and Welcoming Churches and other organizations that include welcoming congregations and ministries.
The Reformation Project
Q Christian Fellowship
Trans Lifeline - US: (877) 565-8860 Canada: (877) 330-6366
The Crisis Text Line – US: Text START to 741-741
Transmission Ministry Collective
The iAM Clinic
The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline – US: (800) 273-8255 (online chat available)
The Christian Closet
The Sanctuary Collective
Q Christian Fellowship Online Forum
Embracing the Journey | For Family Members
Ally Parents - Stand With Trans | For Family Members
Free Mom Hugs