“The timeline which showed how social factors of the day influenced the contemporary translations of the Bible was remarkable. Kathy is an engaging and well-researched presenter. Her warmth and passion for the issues confronting LGBTQ Christians makes her an invaluable resource for anyone wanting to learn more on the subject.” - Kiril G. | Manly, Australia
Wellington, NZ
“From toeing the traditional line that homosexuality is a sin, over recent years I’ve felt a growing sense of discomfort at the church’s continued exclusion of GLBTI people. Jesus tells us he is the gate, yet we seem to have set ourselves up as gatekeepers – ecclesiastical bouncers with the right to say who is in and out of God’s grace. This is despite the deep and committed sense of relationship that gay and lesbian people are clearly able to enjoy with God.
Kathy’s impassioned and well-researched workshop put intelligent evidence under my discomfort – with a balanced argument showing the psychological, sociological, political, and textual influences on how the church has viewed this issue and GLBTI people over relatively recent years.
As Kathy gradually built her timeline of these influences I felt grief at the ‘sinned against’, but also the liberation of knowing there is a way forward.
I’d highly recommend Kathy’s presentation to anyone with an open mind and an open heart to understanding the place of GLBTI people within God’s creation.”
- Christina Tyson
San Francisco, CA
“I was so incredibly impressed with the entire workshop. I have studied the Biblical angle of this topic and have even studied 1st century Roman/Greek culture to get a better understanding of Paul’s writings. I’ve compared Bible translations. But it never occurred to me to study the culture in which those translations were written… mind blown!!
Your knowledge of the subject and your ability to convey so much information in such a short period of time is simply incredible. And for you to have invested so much of your life into this when you have no personal interest is something that can only come from God!
Thank you for your service to Him and to/for all of us! I was incredibly moved by the workshop!”
- Angela Hartleigh
Dallas, TX
“Kathy Baldock has single-handedly compiled an exhaustive chronology of human Kathy sexuality and the effects on human relationships and society.
Her book brings a long-hoped for understanding of the complicated issues of sexual expression and compatibility in a world grappling with acceptance and understanding.
Kathy often weaves her vast understanding of the Ancient Scriptures, with her educated knowledge of science together to provide a palatable reason for the misunderstandings and misrepresentations within human sexual identity and interaction.
As a voracious reader, I simply wanted more after completing each chapter, only to find my thirst was satisfied within the coming pages! I strongly recommend this incredible exercise in faith for every Christian and “Christian-curious” reader on the planet!
- Marvin Matthews